
Mexico (Spanish: México), officially the United Mexican States (Spanish: Estados Unidos Mexicanos) is a country in North America, bordering the United States, Belize and Guatemala, the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Mexico is a federal republic consisting of 31 states and Mexico City, located at 2240 meters above sea level and one of the largest cities in the world.

Official nameMexico
Surface1.964.375 km²
CoinMexicaanse peso (MXN)
time differenceUTC -5 - UTC -7
Nationale feestdag16 september: Grito de Dolores
Aantal Rotterdammers geboren in dit land219

The most widely spoken language is Spanish, making Mexico the most populous Spanish-speaking country in the world; Native American languages ​​are spoken by about 10% of the population. Measured by gross domestic product in ppp dollars, Mexico is the twelfth largest economy in the world.

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