Costa Rica

The Republic of Costa Rica is a country in Central America bordered on the north by Nicaragua and on the south by Panama. To the west and east it is bounded by the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea respectively. Costa Rica, which literally means Rich Coast, disbanded its army in 1949.

Official nameCosta Rica
CapitalSan José
Surface51.100 km²
CoinCosta Ricaanse colón
time differenceUTC -6
VolksliedNoble patria, tu hermosa bandera

The highest point is the Cerro Chirripó (3810 meters) in the Cordillera de Talamanca. The country has extensive national parks and reserves (25% of the country is protected). Much of it consists of tropical rainforest. In addition, other types of nature also occur in Costa Rica. The province of Guanacaste was originally overgrown with dry forests and grasslands, mangrove forests can be found in various places along the coast.

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